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Birthright Israel

Taglit-Birthright Israel is an innovative partnership between the People of Israel through the Government of Israel, Jewish communities around the world (North American Jewish Federations) through the United Jewish Communities (UJC), and leading private philanthropists. 


This trip is a 10-day tour of Israel completely FREE. Available to Jewish young adults, ages 18 through 26.


· Tour, hike and jeep throughout Israel 

· Climb the ancient fortress of Masada 

· Float in the Dead Sea 

· Enjoy the culture, and excitement of Jerusalem & Tel Aviv 

· Experience a warm and fun-filled traditional Shabbat 

· Tour the cities of Tiberias and Safed 

· Meet Israeli students, soldiers, politicians & business leaders 

· Nightlife in Tel Aviv 

· Party Time!!! 

Birthright Israel Interest Form
At least one of my parents are Jewish 
I have not lived in Israel after age 12
I have not studied in Israel after age 12 
I have not been in Israel for any consecutive 3-month period after the age of 12 
When would you like to travel?
Are you a student at the University of Hartford?

Thanks for submitting!


We want to help you! 

When registering select: 

Trip Dates: University of Hartford Trip 

School: University of Hartford 

Departing from: New York  

Reference: Rabbi Kulek (860) 997-2921 




Mayanot allows you to register with your friends and to list who you want to travel with. 



Even if you cannot travel on the dates of the official University of Hartford trip, list University of Hartford as your first choice. When you are interviewed you will be able to specify when you can or cannot travel.  



Each trip has a Jewish educator. Jewish educators are not there to boss around or judge the students, they are there to answer questions and advocate for the needs of the students.  


“Your kindness, honesty, and selflessness is inspiring and worth emulating.” 

“You are open to questions and your nonjudgmental attitude towards all people, ideas and ways of life.” 

“You are the first rabbi I feel a connection to.”  - Sharon S. 

“I truly felt more comfortable on this trip than I ever have felt before thanks to your warmth.” - Daniel H. 

“I can’t believe how lucky I got, considering I joined a random trip” -Tali B. 


Birthright FAQ

  • President
    The President has a key role on our board. The President presides over all meetings to ensure that all agenda items are covered and, with the Secretary, maintain the continuity of discussions. The President must be accommodating and in the event of confusion must be able to direct board members in the right and effective direction. The President while sitting at the top of the student hierarchy must take into account the opinions of all board members and maintain an open mind. The President must also make it their responsibility to maintain the unity of the board, along with the help of the Vice president, ensure deadlines are met and programs are planned effectively. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Preside over all meetings Oversee general management Vote only in the event of a tie Official representative when necessary Delegate duties as necessary Set agenda for weekly meetings Responsible for setting and preparing monthly event calendar The President chairs the Full Board and resides on the Management Committee; the President also resides on the Executive Board. The President reports to the Executive Directors. Executive Board consists of: Executive Directors, President, Vice President, Member at Large, Former President. Management Committee consists of: Executive Directors, President, Vice President, Member at Large, Treasurer, Secretary.
  • Vice President
    The Vice President plays a key role on our board. It is the Vice President’s duty to stay informed of the obligations of the President, in order to maintain continuity of governance in the President’s absences. The Vice President is the coordinator of all subcommittees and maintains active communication between all members. The Vice President helps the President to ensure deadlines are met and programs run effectively. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Assume all duties of President in President’s absence or disability Aide the President in their duties Present at all meetings Help facilitate subcommittees Assist President in overseeing general management The Vice President sits on the Full Board, the Management Committee and the Executive Board, and reports to the President. Executive Board consists of: Executive Directors, President, Vice President, Member at Large, Former President. Management Committee consists of: Executive Directors, President, Vice President, Member at Large, Treasurer, Secretary.
  • Treasurer
    The Treasurer is a crucial component to our board. This particular position works very closely with the Executive Director and President. The Treasurers main tasks include keeping track of spending and account balances, along with filing proper paperwork with the Office of Student Affairs and the Student Government Association. The Treasurer is responsible for making sure Chabad Chevra maintains our proper fund-raising quotas. While most positions on board are focused with outreach and event planning, the Treasurer is tasked with making sure our organization complies with University requirements and demands.  The Treasurer must be proficient in both arithmetic and English. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Custodian of all funds and keep track of funds in SGA account Sign all Purchase Orders and disburse funds in accordance with procedures established by the SGA Finance Vice President Coordinate and oversee fundraising Help coordinate, prepare, and present budget requests Member Budget Proposal subcommittee The Treasurer sits on the Full Board, the Management Committee, and the Budget subcommittee, and reports to the President. Management Committee consists of: Executive Directors, President, Vice President, Member at Large, Treasurer, Secretary. Budget Subcommittee consists of: President/Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary.
  • Secretary
    The Secretary has an essential role on our board. It is imperative that the Secretary maintain records of Board meets as well as events. It is their responsibility to submit all required information to the Student Government Association. It is therefore imperative the Secretary attend all meetings, in their absence they must find a replacement to take minutes. It is asked of the secretary to aid other board members in both the preparation and execution of events. The Secretary also shares the role of “historian” with our Publicity Vice President. The historian job is to photograph events and save a copy of event flyers or something specific from an event. In order to easily archive this information for use in reports and future promotional material. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Keep complete and accurate records of all meetings and submit minutes to the Executive Vice President of SGA Submit monthly report of activities to the Executive Vice President of SGA Conduct correspondence at the President’s request The Secretary sits on the Full Board, the Management Committee, and the Budget subcommittee, and reports to the President. Management Committee consists of: Executive Directors, President, Vice President, Member at Large, Treasurer, Secretary. Budget Subcommittee consists of: President/Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary.
  • Publicity Vice President
    The Publicity Vice President is responsible for Chabad Chevra’s public image and publications. Using our resources, we hope to reach as many Jewish students at the University as possibly. Our general role as a Jewish organization on campus is to enrich the lives of all Jews at our school; whether they attend our programs or not we want them to have a Jewish connection. The Publicity Vice President works with the Membership Vice President on recruiting more students to join our community. The Publicity VP also works with the Social and Ritual VPs to coordinate publicizing of holidays and events. The Publicity Vice President also shares the role of “historian” with our Secretary. The historian job is to photograph events and save a copy of event flyers or something specific from an event. In order to easily archive this information for use in reports and future promotional material. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Coordinate and send out online announcements Coordinate and oversee on campus paper & digital flyers Oversee publicizing of events Member Recruiting subcommittee The Publicity Vice President sits on the Full Board and the Recruiting subcommittee, and reports to the Vice President. Recruiting Subcommittee consists of: Membership Vice President & Publicity Vice President.
  • Membership Vice President
    The Membership Vice President is responsible for outreach and maintaining an accurate record of community members.   Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Keep accurate account of club members / accurate attendance of each function Coordinate and oversee recruitment of new members Member Recruiting subcommittee The Membership Vice President sits on the Full Board and the Recruiting subcommittee, and reports to the Vice President. Recruiting Subcommittee consists of: Membership Vice President & Publicity Vice President.
  • Ritual Vice President
    The Ritual Vice President is duly responsible for both creations of Jewish/religious events, and making sure all of our events contain ‘Jewish content.’ This position is also geared toward our recruitment initiative, as such the RVP work to make our Jewish activities fun and welcoming. Working with the Social Vice President on the Holiday subcommittee allows for a greater number of event possibilities. The Ritual Vice President also works with our Executive Directors on providing ‘Jewish content.’ Standing events, such as Shabbat, need coordination and its regulatory allows for practice of oversight skills. We try to make each Shabbat unique and should we never think that it is something that happens without us. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Coordinate, organize, and oversee all religious activities Member Holiday subcommittee The Ritual Vice President sits on the Full Board and the Holiday subcommittee, and reports to the Vice President. Holiday subcommittee consists of: Ritual Vice President & Social Vice President.
  • Social Vice President
    The Social Vice President is a key role in our recruitment activities. Using their connections to different student groups and individuals, they are able to attract a wider audience to our events. The SVP is also tasked with the creation of non-holiday or Shabbat related events. Bringing their ideas to the Full Board meeting allows for discussion and creation of events. The Social Vice President will help generate a wider acceptance and appreciation for Jewish life on campus. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Create activities for members and nonmembers on and off campus Member Holiday subcommittee Work with board to establish weekly outreach goals.Including, contacting one new person a week The Social Vice President sits on the Full Board and the Holiday subcommittee, and reports to the Vice President. Holiday Subcommittee consists of: Ritual Vice President & Social Vice President.
  • Chesed Vice President
    The Chessed Vice President plays the role of connecting our Chevra to the greater community.  They create and coordinate our community service programs. They are also one of crucial to our public outreach, attending meetings and events from other organizations to represent Chabad Chevra. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Create, coordinate, and oversee Chesed programming to help people in need “Table-ing” in Gengras Student Union The Chesed Vice President sits on the Full Board, and reports to the Vice President.

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